Monday, April 7, 2014

Life in the month of March

I have decided to add another aspect to this blog. I want to talk about some of the major elements that have surrounded my life during each month. There will be five categories  for each of these monthly post and they will be: food, fashion/makeup, travel/cultural, art, and life. For each of these categories  I will present one thing that has either caught my eye or has become increasingly important. So without anymore explanation I will get on with my life in the month of March.

Food: Kashi Fruit and Nut Bars-  These bars have been one of my favorite things to snack on or eat during breakfast. They have been really helpful in curving my cravings during Lent. This year I decided to give up sweets because I tend to gravitate towards them after a meal, throughout the day and especially while cooking. These Kashi fruit and nut bars give just the right amount of sweetness to get me through the day without wanting to jump out of the window from my cravings. With the combination of fruits, nuts and honey giving up sweets became less of a struggle.


Fashion/Makeup: Bold Lip Stick- Over the past three years I have increasingly become a fan of lip stick in general but wearing bold bright colors that stand out is something fairly new. As my confidence with lip stick becomes greater, I have found colors that look great on me and compliment my complexion. From reds to purples I am wearing them all.

Travel/Culture: French Grammar- I have loved the French language ever since  was a little girl watching Beauty and the Beast. I still sing along to the song "Bonjour"; there was just something about Belle walking through the quaint French village with her nose in her book saying hello to all the townspeople. I then went on to French as my foreign language course in High School. The only problem is that I have forgotten most of what I was taught and although my love for the language still existed, I did not continue French courses in college; instead I took Spanish. So I decided to brush up by borrowing a couple of French grammar books from the library. Some of them are old but I am learning nonetheless.


Art: Bastille-  I listen to so many different genres of music. Its something that can evoke specific emotions within you and where you can feel what someone else was feeling while they were writing or singing. I am not the type of person who only listens to Indy or underground artists; if it is something that I particularly like then  I will listen to it. This month I have loved hearing Bastille's "Pompeii" on the radio but I also like their songs "Bad Blood" and "Things We lost in the Fire". The lead singer's voice is just so smooth and effortless with a bit of a British accent thrown in the mix. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to them not just this month but over the past year.

Life: Lent- Lent is the Christian preparation period before Easter. It last for forty days and begins on what is observed as Ash Wednesday; this period continues until Easter (Sundays are not included). This is a time of fasting, repentance, and moderation. It is meant for you to remember and focus on Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. So, in many Christian denominations it is custom to give up something which you tend to over indulge in. As stated above I gave up sweets. I always have something sweet after dinner or anytime throughout the day. It doesn't help that I love to cook and am trying to improve my baking skills. That means I am constantly tasting and testing out new recipes. It has been a struggle because without being aware of what I am doing sometimes I automatically reach for something sweet and unhealthy. I work at a cafĂ© and I have an employee discount; to work around all of those delicious items and not being able to eat them seems like torture but I have found ways to get through it and it is truly rewiring my brain. I love all types of foods including fruits, vegetable, and nuts, so addition to my regular meals I have been snacking more on these items. I am also trying to eat regularly throughout my day instead of eating a big dinner and then craving unhealthy foods after. Overall I am not just becoming more spiritually conscious but also conscious of what goes into my body to create an overall balanced.

Peace and Love,
